How do I get rid of Quora digest? – [Answer] 2022


  1. Go to and log in with your credentials.
  2. Navigate to your Settings page and select Delete Account from the options below Privacy & Permissions on the left side of the screen.
  3. Enter your password, then enter it again when prompted to ensure that you have entered it correctly and then press Done

You can unsubscribe from the newsletter on your account page. To access that page, use the link at the bottom of every email or login to Quora and follow this link: If you do not see it there, please contact us in a separate message with your username so we can assist you further.

How often are my answers sent to people who have asked questions about me?

Once per week on Thursday for free accounts , twice a week for Pro members, and three times a week for Premier members (one topic per day). If you get the digest more frequently than scheduled, then open the email and click the “Do not send me this again.” link. This will prevent you from getting the digest anymore.

Are answers to questions I ask sent to people who asked similar questions?

Yes, we try our best to make sure that your answer can be relevant to other users’ question too. For example: If you do a lot of travel writing and some of your posts are on how to pack efficiently for travel, then when someone asks about fashion packing tips for backpackers, your answer will also appear in the digest (with a mention that it is shared with another question as well). However, if there are no topics between two different questions being asked by two different users that have enough common ground, then we won’t use that as an opportunity to share the answer in a newsletter.

If you ask a question about something very personal, like “What should I wear for my first job interview?”, your answer is sent only to the person who asked this question and not to other people who might have searched for the same thing online – both on Quora and off it. We do this so our answers can be as informative and personal as possible, while also respecting users’ privacy.

If you want your answer to be more broadly applicable and up-to-date then please check out this article: How do I make sure that answers to questions I post are relevant? . If your question is highly specific or narrowly targeted (like “How can I edit my resume on iPad? Or “What should I write about in my college application essay if I haven’t done much so far?”) it is unlikely that your question will be relevant to a lot of people and they may not find answers to their questions from reading yours.

If you use Quora Digest regularly, you are more likely to get up-votes for your answers because the digest contains all of your answers (and is sent to users who can benefit from them), rather than just one answer or comment that was posted at an opportune time. So, if you seem like a helpful person who gives great advice (you’ll have better chances of getting up-votes) and potential employers see your helpfulness when they receive our digest (and read your answers while sipping coffee at Starbucks), you are more likely to get interviews, jobs, etc.

If I stop getting Quora Digest emails or if I resume getting the digest emails again after having unsubscribed, why did that happen?

First off all, every email account is different and it’s not always possible for us to detect when an email gets delivered and when one doesn’t. So we do our best effort to make sure we don’t send you any unwanted emails. But if you haven’t received a newsletter in the last few days then please check your spam folder first as our newsletters may have been automatically labeled as junk mail by Gmail / Yahoo! Mail / Outlook etc. If the newsletter is in your spam folder then you can mark it as “not junk” or move it to the Inbox and resubscribe again. Alternatively, if you are using a desktop mail client like Outlook / Thunderbird etc., go to the options menu (gear icon) for each newsletter and choose update subscription from there.

Once we get confirmation that our emails are being delivered directly into your inbox then we will resume sending newsletters every week on Thursday for free accounts , twice a week for Pro members, and three times a week for Premier members. If you don’t want to receive any email from us anymore then just unsubscribe by clicking the link at the bottom of the digest email / going to and unsubscribing from there. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact [email protected]

Don’t worry about this! It is possible that your subscription is still active and as long as Quora Digest gets delivered directly into your inbox then it will continue sending out weekly / twice a week / three times a week digests even if you are not receiving them. We’ll only stop sending out our newsletter once we learn that people aren’t seeing them in their inbox anymore (and don’t blame us for the spam folder). So just mark the digest email as “not junk”.

If you are a new member to Quora then we will send out one digest as soon as we can confirm that our emails are being delivered directly into your inbox. If you are already an active member and have been receiving digests before, we will start sending you the digest again after about two weeks unless we get confirmation that either your newsletter subscription has stopped working for some reason or that it was never working in the first place. First, check your spam folder just in case this is what has happened. Otherwise, write back to [email protected]

How can I be sure that Quora Digest has stopped sending me any newsletters?

We won’t stop sending digests until we confirm that people aren’t seeing our mail in their inbox anymore (and it’s not a case of spam folders working against us). So you will know your subscription was really canceled when the next digest email doesn’t show up in your inbox. Then, if you want to resume receiving Quora Digest again, go to and resubscribe from there. You can also contact [email protected] to ask about your subscription status.

I have a feedburner account (or other RSS reader), will it forward my new articles or comments on featured answers to me?

Yes absolutely! But in order for that feature work as expected, you need to be subscribed to Quora directly through your feedburner account or whichever other RSS reader you’re using. If you are not getting new articles or featured answers in your inbox then check to make sure that the “to” field of your feedburner (or any other RSS reader of yours) is set to , otherwise it’ll forward everything on and thus will likely spam your inbox with too many emails from us!

I have a Gmail account so I don’t get emails like these anymore, how do I learn if my subscription has been cancelled?

Don’t worry about this! We will send one last email after we stop sending out digests just as a reminder that your subscription has stopped working. If you no longer want to receive this reminder email, feel free to unsubscribe from it by clicking the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of that email and then resubscribing again afterwards!

I am a writer who wants my articles to show up in Quora Digest, how do I get featured?

This is something that we can take a look at but there are certain conditions that must be met for your content to qualify as well: you need to have already published 100+ answers on Quora (or just have a really good reason why you think we should make an exception), your answers must get upvoted at least once every week and have been active on Quora for the past month. If that sounds like you then shoot us an email to [email protected] with a link to your profile first to see if we’ll agree to something like this!

How do I get rid of Quora digest?

Go to and log in with your credentials.
Navigate to your Settings page and select Delete Account from the options below Privacy & Permissions on the left side of the screen.
Enter your password, then enter it again when prompted to ensure that you have entered it correctly and then press Done

What is Quora and how do I get rid of it?

For Android, go to your Google Play Store and find the Quora app. Uninstall it from there. Or you can use the settings for your smart phone and uninstall the game there.

Why am I getting emails from Quora digest?

If you are receiving emails from Quora, this indicates that you have an account. To unsubscribe to these updates by either following the link at the end of the email or sending a new email to [email protected] and asking your data be deleted.

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