How do I delete my disapproved AdSense account? – [Answer] 2022


  1. Go to your “AdSense account”.
  2. Click “Account”.
  3. On the “Account information” page, click Close account.
  4. Review the information on the “Closing your AdSense account” page: If your account meets the g>threshold to receive a final payment
  5. Click “Confirm”.
  6. Click “Got it”.

How To Delete A Disapproved AdSense Account

You can see a list of your sites and ad code, if applicable. Click Delete all to remove the ads, or click Select some to delete specific parts of your account.

If you don’t have an email address in your AdSense profile, follow these instructions: To confirm that you’re the owner of this account (on behalf of an institution), sign in with your Google Account instead.

If your AdSense account has been disapproved and you want to delete it, please sign in to the AdSense home page using the email address used when you applied for AdSense. While signed in, click on ‘Edit Profile’ link under your name, then check the box marked ‘Disapprove my account’, then click on the “Save Changes” button:

Click OK if you are warned that deleting your AdSense account will remove all data from your profile. Then click on Delete My Account. When asked how do you wish this action to be reflected across all Google products, select either “Delete completely from all of Google’s services” or choose a specific product, depending on whether you wish to delete your account from one or multiple products.

To confirm that you want to delete your AdSense account, click on the blue link provided for each of Google’s services (for example, Blogger), which will take you to a deletion confirmation page for that service only. You can also remove different parts of your profile individually by clicking on “Delete my profile data” next to each product and removing any check marks other than those associated with AdSense. Click Continue at the bottom of the page when ready to proceed. Please be aware that this action is permanent and cannot be undone once completed. Are you sure you want to delete

How to cancel or delete disapproved adsense account and apply from new account.

Scroll down the Change Account Settings page until you see ‘Delete this account’ and click Delete this account. Note that deleting an account only removes AdSense data from your profile, not any associated Google services. If you want to remove your whole Google profile (including AdSense), please review Google’s deletion policy for a complete list of what will be deleted.

Click Delete my Account to confirm the deletion of all data related to yo casesur AdSense profile. If you have other Gservices accounts connected with yo, Google disables all campaigns and access to AdSense shortly after you close your account. However, it may take about six weeks for these changes to go intour AdSense account, they will be merged with any existing accounts if you decide at a date

How do I delete my disapproved AdSense account?

1. Go to your “AdSense account”.
2. Click “Account”.
3. On the “Account information” page, click Close account.
4. Review the information on the “Closing your AdSense account” page: If your account meets the threshold to receive a final payment
5. Click “Confirm”.
6. Click “Got it”.

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