How do I delete a PayPal account from my phone? – [Answer] 2022


  1. Go to the Settings.
  2.  Close your account under “Account Options.”
  3. Enter your bank account number if “requested”.
  4. Click Close Account.

 How To Permanently Close Paypal Account

You will be able to delete from the app if you are still logged in and can see yourself as logged in at bottom of the page. Once you do this you cannot access PayPal again so be sure before doing it! Go to settings or find something like that (with 3 lines on top where Apple Pay is) then go to web and apps and log out there. Good luck! Donate old shoes here:

How do I delete a PayPal account from my phone?

If you are logged in, go into settings and log out. Then visit the website and choose to close your account there.… $0 USD 4 hours ago This answer was marked “accepted” by user: DoNotUseThisName (597). Title: Re: Delete a Paypal account from the phone

How do I delete a PayPal account from my phone? if you’re logged in, click the “X” on the bottom right of the page to log out then go to… $0 USD 6 hours ago This answer was marked “accepted” by user: 597 (DoNotUseThisName). Title: Re: Delete a Paypal account from the phone

Submitted By Crazylaxlover How do I delete a PayPal account from my phone? If you are logged in, go into settings and log out. Then visit the website and choose to close your account there. Thanks, it worked! I had a problem with one of your customers who are old now and in his dotage and was trying to transfer my money out but he couldn’t remember where he was/what bank etc. It took me ages on the phone to get him back into his office to check what was happening as he’d gone home for [ARTICLE END]

How to Delete PayPal Account on Your Mobile Phone – Delete PayPal Account Permanently

Can someone help me, please?

I’m trying to find this post (here) in relation to clients not receiving payments from PayPal using ‘PayPal Mass Payment’. The gist of that thread is that: if you’re sending payments via Paypal Mass Payment, then those payments may be rejected due to the receiving client’s email address not being added to the ‘Preapproved Payments’ list. The fix is to add their email addresses to that list by adding them as Seller within your PayPal Account. I have done this (as both the sending and receiving party) but only for individual payments, not Mass Payment. They are still not getting paid! So I guess my question is: Can you set up an account in PayPal so that it acts as a business/store? i.e., it has multiple users who send money into the account which can then be disbursed amongst multiple payees? Should they all be using different emails though, or just one? Anyway, if anyone can help me find this post from [ARTICLE START] November 2015 …

How do I delete a PayPal account from my phone? if you’re logged in, click the “X” on the bottom right of the page to log out then go to… $0 USD 6 hours ago This answer was marked “accepted” by user: 597 (DoNotUseThisName). Title: Re: Delete a Paypal account from the phone

Submitted By Crazylaxlover How do I delete a PayPal account from my phone? If you are logged in, go into settings and log out. Then visit the website and choose to close your account there. Thanks, it worked! I had a problem with one of your customers who are old now and in his dotage and was trying to transfer my money out but he couldn’t remember where he was/what bank etc. It took me ages on the phone to get him back into his office to check what was happening as he’d gone home for [ARTICLE END]

Can someone help me please? I’m trying to find this post (here) in relation to clients not receiving payments from PayPal using ‘PayPal Mass Payment’. The gist of that thread is that: if you’re sending payments via Paypal Mass Payment, then those payments may be rejected due to the receiving client’s email address not being added.

How do I delete a PayPal account from my phone?

1. Go to the Settings.
 2. Close your account under “Account Options.”
3. Enter your bank account number if “requested”.
4. Click Close Account.

Can I delete my PayPal account and make a new one?

When you close your account, PayPal cannot reopen it for you; however, you may restart the account with a similar email address.

What happens if I close my account on PayPal?

When you close your PayPal account, everything tied to it including transaction history will disappear forever. If this might prove important in the future, screenshot, print off or otherwise preserve it beforehand.

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