How long does it take for a Wattpad account to delete? – [Answer] 2022


If you are not active with your account for six months, we will delete it from our systems. However, the public will still be allowed to read any of your comments or posts that were made before the deletion.

How to delete Wattpad account permanently

Account deletion on Wattpad is a pretty lengthy process that takes approximately 48 hours to complete. This means if you request to delete your account today, it may not be completely removed until sometime tomorrow (at the earliest). BUT don’t worry! You won’t lose any of your stories or comments during this time — and once your account is deleted, you will no longer have access to it.

visit the Account Settings page from within Click on the Delete My Account button at the bottom of the page Enter in your username and password into their respective fields Select Permanently Delete my Wattpad Account Enter in an email address at which point you will receive an email to your inbox with a link to confirm the deletion of your account Enter in that email address to confirm your wish for the account to be deleted

You should then receive a confirmation message from Wattpad saying, “Your account was successfully deleted.”

If you experience any difficulties or receive an error message when attempting to delete your profile, please don’t hesitate to reach out via our Contact Us form. One of our moderators will review this issue and get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks!

How to Delete Wattpad Account (NEW UPDATE in 2020)

More questions? Check out the rest of our Help Center for more information on using Wattpad.

If you’re looking for help with making profiles private or writing tips (or if you just want to say hi!), we’ve got some amazing communities over at the Writer’s Cafe or you can drop us a line at [email protected]

Your friendly (Twitter) stalker,

Tips for Responsible Co-Writing Relationships by Alisha Rai / September 9th, 2017 So, what do I mean when I write “co-writing relationships”? In this case, it refers to two writers working out an agreement between themselves as to how they’ll handle collaboration and business practices—instead of contributing something new in my first blog on co-writing, which focused more on the emotional aspects of these kinds of relationships.

One thing I didn’t have the time to talk about in my last post is what to do when things go wrong, and what constitutes “wrong” in a co-writing relationship. It’s easy enough to outline some rules for communication and outlining, but people are fallible—and not everyone listens well or makes good decisions all the time.

So this blog will be talking about ways that two writers can work out an agreement with each other before they begin writing together… so that if either party starts feeling uncomfortable at any point along the way (about anything from communication to payment), they can assess their options and decide whether it’s best to part ways, try other solutions, or continue on together.

Make sure everyone knows going in what they’re getting into

With a co-writing relationship, both parties are giving up some of the control they might have over their own work—and this can be scary sometimes. So it’s important that everyone involved is clear on how much agency they’ll be coding and what it means for them personally… otherwise you may find yourself gravely disappointed before you’ve even started writing (or worse) if something goes wrong and one person just doesn’t want to put as much effort in as the other.

For example: if you plan to write your book from start to finish with someone else but aren’t sure who will take care of what parts of the process, make sure everyone knows what they’re getting into. You might start off by just writing the first draft together, then decide how you’ll handle a second draft (or not). Or you might have to decide between hiring an editor or passing it back and forth several times before publishing. Either way, make sure everyone is informed and on the same page about these details upfront so that no one feels blindsided if something changes later on.

As a personal example: I’ve co-written two books with my best friend, Susannah Ritter—and we had many of these things worked out in advance. The way our process works is that Susannah tells me all her ideas for the book in person until she’s filled up 30 pages of notes (so she knows the book inside and out). I transcribe those notes (and a few other things she adds), edit them, and put them into an outline that we both look over. From there, Susannah writes the first draft while I work on my own projects—and then we swap roles when it comes to the second draft. Sometimes a piece will need special attention or extra rounds of editing because it’s complicated or important to one writer more than another… but we’ve been very clear going in how this process would work so that no one is disappointed or caught off guard if something changes as we go along.

How long does it take for a Wattpad account to delete?

If you are not active with your account for six months, we will delete it from our systems. However, the public will still be allowed to read any of your comments or posts that were made before the deletion.

How do I permanently delete my Wattpad account?

Close your account. Tap on your username in the upper right-hand corner. Select closed my account settings. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click close account on the right-hand side. Fill in mandatory information and select “yes, I am sure” to confirm the closing of this account

Will Wattpad be deleted?

Wattpad is not closing down.

Why did my Wattpad get deleted?

If your story is missing and you didn’t delete it, it’s possible that we removed it for violating our guidelines. Please check your email for any messages from us.

Can you hack a Wattpad account?

To clarify, there is no need to illegally access anything. Just use the reset button on your account page. Resetting your password is easy and illegal hacking of wifi networks isn’t something that qualified, trained professionals would teach you anyways.

How do you delete a Wattpad account if you forgot your password?

Go to Wattpad, log in, and then choose the forgotten password link if you forgot your password.

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