How do I delete old emails in Gmail in bulk? – [Answer] 2022


  1. You can also search by how old emails are.
  2. If you type older_than:1y, you’ll receive emails older than 1 year.
  3. You can use m for months or d for days, as well. If you want to delete them all.
  4. Click the Check all box.
  5. Click “Select all conversations that match this search,” followed by the Delete button.

How To Delete Old Emails In Gmail In Bulk – Delete Multiple Emails At Once

quick and easy way to Delete thousands of old emails in GMAIL

How do I delete old emails in Gmail in bulk?

1. You can also search by how old emails are.
2. If you type older_than:1y, you’ll receive emails older than 1 year.
3. You can use m for months or d for days, as well. If you want to delete them all.
4. Click the Check all box.
5. Click “Select all conversations that match this search,” followed by the Delete button.

How do I delete a date range of emails in Gmail?

Use the advanced search operators before: and after: to select your date range in the search. Click the “select all” checkbox. Click the link to “Select all conversations that match this search” Note that all conversations are now selected. Click Delete.

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