How do you permanently delete an Instagram account? – [Answer] 2022


  1. Go to the Delete Your Account page from a mobile browser or computer.
  2. Select an option from the dropdown menu.
  3. Next to Why are you deleting your account and re-enter your password.
  4. Click or tap Permanently delete my account.

How to Delete Instagram Account Permanently

How to Delete Instagram Account

Can you delete an Instagram account not permanently?

You have two options for deactivating your account: temporarily or permanently. If you temporarily disable your account, your profile, photographs, comments, and likes will be removed from view. You may reactivate your account by logging in again.

How do I delete my old Instagram account without email or password?

Once you’ve finished, click the “Delete My Account” button at the bottom of your screen. Click the drop-down menu next to the query “Why are you deleting your account?” You must choose one option. A tab labeled “Permanently Delete My Account” will appear after you pick a reason. Select it and remove your account successfully.

How do I get Instagram to delete an inactive 2020 account?

If you want to contact Instagram, the only option is to submit a ticket within the app. You can use another person’s Instagram account to report any issues if you don’t have access to your own on the app.

Will reporting an Instagram account delete it?

Instagram does have a reporting system in place for objectionable material. However, there is no set number of times an account must be reported before it is removed. . . . The Instagram team reviews all reported accounts and makes the final decision on whether or not to remove them.

Does Instagram warn you before deleting your account?

Instagram will now give you advance warning before your account is deleted, and it will allow you to make in-app appeals. Instagram revealed several changes to its moderation policy today, the most significant of which is that it will now notify users if their account might be closed before it happens.

How many reports are needed to delete an account?

The reality is that Instagram will terminate an account for any reason, even if there are only three or four reports from various users due to the nature of the problem cited as a justification for reporting the account. The only real consequence of a large number of complaints is that they shorten the time it takes to examine them.

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