How do I delete my GPAY history? – [Answer] 2022


  1. From ‘All products‘,.
  2. Select the option ‘Google Pay‘.
  3. Tap on the option ‘Delete’ option.
  4. Click ‘Ok‘.
  5. Further, a pop up will appear asking you ‘Delete all of your Google pay activity‘;.
  6. Click on the option ‘Delete

How To Delete Google Pay Transaction History

How To Delete Google Pay Transaction History permanently

How do I delete my GPAY history?

1. From ‘All products‘,.
2. Select the option ‘Google Pay‘.
3. Tap on the option ‘Delete’ option.
4. Click ‘Ok‘.
5. Further, a pop up will appear asking you ‘Delete all of your Google pay activity‘;.
6. Click on the option ‘Delete

How do I delete all my activity on Google?

1. Go to 
2. Above your activity, tap Delete .
3. Tap All time. Delete.

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