How do I delete old email addresses in Thunderbird? – [Answer] 2022


  1. Open the Address book
  2. delete addresses
  3. select collected addresses.
  4. delete entries by typing del.

How do I PERMANENTLY delete old email addresses in Thunderbird?

What is Thunderbird?

Thunderbird is an open-source email client that provides much of the functionality of a full e-mail application suite. Its goal was to have “fewer features” than other applications, such as Microsoft Outlook Express or Windows Mail. Thunderbird’s interface has been praised by experts for its speed and efficiency; however, it lacks many advanced features found in commercial offerings from companies like IBM and Novell.

The project was started because some Mozilla developers were unhappy with what they perceived as sluggish response time from Netscape Mail which at the time was powered by Communicator – now called SeaMonkey – which are also products of the same parent company. The name originally comes from Gordon Livingstone’s 1988 online game “Thunderscape”.

– Thunderbird was originally developed by the Mozilla Foundation as a free, open source mail application to provide users with much of the functionality of a full e-mail application suite. Its goal was to have “fewer features” than other applications, such as Microsoft Outlook Express or Windows Mail. Thunderbird’s interface has been praised by experts for its speed and efficiency; however, it lacks many advanced features found in commercial offerings from companies like IBM and Novell.

The project was started because some Mozilla developers were unhappy with what they perceived as sluggish response time from Netscape Mail which at the time was powered by Communicator – now called SeaMonkey – which are also products of the same parent company. The name Thunderbird was chosen due to the strength of a thunderbird’s wings.

Some versions have had stability problems, and many users intentionally disable features such as mailing lists in order to improve stability. Thunderbird also has more stringent technical requirements than Firefox, requiring specific types of fonts (such as Times New Roman) for rendering correctly on screen or when printed; this is largely because it must render messages with several different encoding schemes including Latin-based languages (Western European), East Asian languages, Arabic scripts, Hebrew script and Cyrillic script.

This blog post shows you how to delete old email addresses in Thunderbird, the open-source email client. The first way is to delete the email account from within Thunderbird: On the Tools menu, select “Account Settings” and then click on your name under Mail & Newsgroups to open it; then click Delete Account at the bottom of this window (assuming you want to remove only one address). You will be asked if you are sure that you wish to delete this account right now – answer yes by clicking Yes or No depending on what’s appropriate for your situation. Alternatively, export all messages as .eml files via File -> Export

Thunderbird is a free, open-source email client. Thunderbird helps users to delete old emails in the inbox by allowing them to move messages out of their inbox and into an archive folder. This article will show you how easy it is to remove old email addresses from your Thunderbird account so that they no longer clutter up your Inbox with unwanted mail.

There are two ways for deleting old email addresses:

Method One: Setting an Autarchies interval where Thunderbird deletes all but the newest message after every set number of days, weeks or months; Method Two: doing manual archiving whenever desired. We’ll go over both methods below!

To find this setting, click “Tools” on the menu bar and then “Account Settings.”

Scroll down to find the section labeled “General” and click on the button for “Archive:”

Under Archive interval you will see two drop-down buttons:

To choose between a set number of days, weeks or months simply select which one you want. You can also enter how many days in case there isn’t an option that suits your needs just yet! Choose whichever is best for you. Then hit OK.

This process only applies to emails older than those specified by the selected setting – it won’t affect any new messages sent after this has been chosen. To manually archive old email addresses out of your Inbox at any time, follow these steps: Underneath where we clicked on the “Archive” button, there is an “Unarchive:” option.

Simply select the time period you want to go back in and hit OK! This will take all your old emails out of your Inbox and either archive them or delete them (depending on what interval you chose). You can always find the archived messages by clicking on “Inbox,” then scrolling down under “Misc.” Which ever email address was selected when archiving will be where they show up again – so if it’s not where you need it, simply change that setting for next time.

If at any point in this process we have a question about how to do something feel free to reach out anytime! We would love to help make Thunderbird work best.

How to Recover Emails Contacts and Profiles in Mozilla Thunderbird (2021)

If you are using Thunderbird, then it is time to delete some old email addresses. If you have not been in touch with someone for a while, then the easiest way to do this is by deleting their email address from your contact list. Deleting an email account from within Thunderbird is easy and can be done in less than 1 minute!

– Log into Thunderbird

– Click “Tools” and then click on Account Settings.

– Double check that you are in the correct email account by looking at what email address is located in the Title Bar of your browser window. If it says something other than the desired email, type or paste an appropriate new title for this contact list under “Name”.

– Look to find contacts with old email addresses (ones which have not been used recently). In order to delete these emails, select them from within Thunderbird’s Address book. Hold down Shift while clicking each one so they will all be selected together! After selecting a few entries, right click over any of them and uncheck Send/Receive All My Mail From This Address to delete it.

– Repeat this process until all old email addresses have been deleted from Thunderbird’s Address Book

– After deleting the desired contacts, go back into Account Settings and click on File -> New -> Empty Contact Group name. Enter “Old Contacts” in upper case letters without spaces or special characters (e.g., OldContacts). Then right click over the newly created group and rename it so that there is a space between its name which signifies separation of words within the title itself when hovering with your cursor above it (i.e., Old Contacts)

How do I delete old email addresses in Thunderbird?

1. Open the Address book
2. delete addresses
3. select collected addresses.
4. delete entries by typing del.

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