How do I delete a Fitbit family account? – [Answer] 2022


Delete a Fitbit family account follow the instructions below:

  1. Tap the Today tab , and tap your profile picture. Then Tap My Family.
  2. Remove each family member from the account.
  3. For instructions, see How do I remove someone from my Fitbit family account?
  4. After you remove all members, tap the 3 dots Delete Family.

How to delete your Fitbit account | ways to erase your fitbit account

How to Remove Fitbit Device from Account

How do I delete a Fitbit family account?

1. Tap the Today tab , and tap your profile picture. Then Tap My Family.
2. Remove each family member from the account.
3. For instructions, see How do I remove someone from my Fitbit family account?
4. After you remove all members, tap the 3 dots Delete Family.

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