How do I cancel AWS billing? – [Answer] 2022


  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console as the root user of the account.
  2. From the navigation bar, choose your account name.
  3. Choose My Account.
  4. Scroll to the Close Account section.
  5. Read and understand the terms of closing your account.
  6. Select all check boxes.
  7. Choose Close Account.

AWS KC Video: Why am I being charged for EC2 when all my instances have been terminated?

How to Close Your Amazon Web Services Account and Stop Getting Billed!

How do I cancel AWS billing?

1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console as the root user of the account.
2. From the navigation bar, choose your account name.
3. Choose My Account.
4. Scroll to the Close Account section.
5. Read and understand the terms of closing your account.
6. Select all check boxes.
7. Choose Close Account.

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