How do I delete a group in Gmail? – [Answer] 2022


  1. Click Gmail.
  2. Select the contact group.
  3. Select Delete Group.
  4. Click OK.

How to delete a Google Group

If you want to delete an entire conversation with someone, scroll to the top of your inbox and select “All Inboxes.” You’ll see all conversations (including emails sent directly to people) listed as either “Inbox” or “Sent mail.” Selecting one will show where it’s located on your computer and give you two options: Archive or Delete. If there are messages you don’t need anymore, just select each individual message then click Delete. This way those messages won’t clutter up your inbox! To learn how to archive instead of deleting content, visit our “How do I archive messages?” article.

You cannot edit or remove groups, but deleting the email thread will automatically exclude that message from any future replies. If you want to delete an entire conversation with someone, scroll to the top of your inbox and select All Inboxes.” You’ll see all conversations (including emails sent directly to people) listed as either “Inbox” or “Sent mail.” Selecting one will show where it’s located on your computer and give you two options: Archive or Delete. If there are messages you don’t need anymore, just select each individual message then click Delete. This way those messages won’t clutter up your inbox! To learn how to archive instead of deleting content, scroll down.

Delete Google Family Group Account

-On the left side of your inbox, open “All Inboxes” and select one of your email threads. All messages will be listed on the right as either “Inbox” or “Sent mail.” Selecting a message will show where it’s located on your computer and give you two options: Archive or Delete The Archived Conversation bubble at the top indicates that this conversation is archived for future viewing. If there are messages you don’t need anymore, just select each individual message then click Delete. This way those messages won’t clutter up your inbox! To learn how to archive instead of deleting content, scroll down below…

-“Archiving a Message”: You can archive content in Gmail by clicking the Archive-It button at the top of your email. When you do this, it’s not automatically deleted from your inbox and will still be accessible on both mobile devices and computers through a search for that date range or individual message. This is particularly useful if you have an old conversation with someone but no longer need to store it in your Inbox–you can simply click “Archive” instead of Delete so there are fewer emails to sift through later!

-“Deleting Messages”: To delete any messages which don’t require archiving (messages about promotions, newsletters, etc.), just select each message individually then hit the delete key on your keyboard.

-“Permanently Deleting Messages”: To permanently delete messages that you know for sure will never be relevant again (wedding invitations from six months ago), select each message individually then hit “Delete” on your keyboard. Again, this is only necessary if you are aware of all the consequences and understand what it means to do so–deleters beware!

-To learn more about deleting messages which may not have been archived yet or require a longer search than archive searches allow for, check out our blog post on Undeleted Emails.

-“Archiving Messages”: You can also choose to archive emails automatically by turning up notification preferences in Gmail settings; when new mail arrives and there’s an unread count, Gmail will prompt you to archive or delete messages.

How do I delete a group in Gmail?

1. Click Gmail.
2. Select the contact group.
3. Select Delete Group.
4. Click OK.

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