How do I delete my Oneplus account? – [Answer] 2022


  1. Tap “Settings”.
  2. Tap “Accounts”.
  3. Tap “Remove Account”.
  4. Tap “Remove Account” Again.
  5. Tap to confirm the delete.

All Oneplus Remove Account Android 10 Bypass FRP 8, 8 Pro, 7, 7 Pro, 7T, 6, 6T July 2020

First, log in to the OnePlus Account. Click “My Account” and then select “Account Settings” on the header bar > Select Delete My Account from the dropdown menu > Confirm deletion by clicking “Submit”.

Second, you will be prompted for a reason why you want to leave. Fill out this form if necessary with an explanation of what led you to make this decision (or just leave it blank). Once finished click “Confirm Deletion.”

Third, confirm that all is correct before submitting by double-checking your email address as well as any other information needed. Then click where it says “submit my request for cancellation” at the bottom of the page.


Once your request is submitted, you will be prompted with a confirmation message and have to confirm by clicking “Yes”.

This means that after some time (typically two weeks), OnePlus will delete all personal information from their systems including any account data related to purchases made on the site or apps.

My Account > “Account Settings” header bar > Delete My Account form > Confirm deletion

*Fill in section if necessary with an explanation of what led you to make this decision: I’m looking for something different/better than a phone at this point in my life*

Confirm Deletion button below prompt box once finished filling out forms

Clicking Yes when prompted confirms that you are actively wanting to delete your OnePlus account.

You’ll need to wait for a couple of weeks before the deletion is finalized, so don’t worry if it doesn’t show up right away!

Helpful tip: If after deleting your account and changing your password, you still can’t log in with any credentials and want access back to change something or we’ve deleted an order but not yet refunded you–send us an email at [email protected]

*We will only be able to give you access again by verifying who you are with another form of identification.*

If you have a Oneplus account, sign in to your secure Oneplus Account Manager. If not, create one here: . Once logged in, click on “Get Code” and enter the code shown on the screen into the following page: The Google Store will then generate an email with links for downloading Android apps from anywhere else but Google Play or iTunes Store!

This is how it works: when installing any new app that can’t be downloaded through google play (examples include Opera Browser and WhatsApp) put “store.” before its name when searching for it – this lets you download apps outside of Google Play without waiting long periods of time or paying for them.

This was the last sentence in this paragraph. The next two sentences will start a new paragraph and discuss how to use store’s alternative app directory, Android Apps on Google Play Store.

Store also has an alternative app directory that is not limited by country availability – it can be used anywhere! One downside to using this method though is that you cannot preview apps before downloading them (unless they are free). It should also be noted that if your device doesn’t have internet connection, you’ll need to download these apps from another source first then transfer them onto your phone later down the road when connectivity becomes available again! This concludes our blog post about installing any third-party Android application outside of google play store!

How do I delete my Oneplus account?

1. Tap “Settings”.
2. Tap “Accounts”.
3. Tap “Remove Account”.
4. Tap “Remove Account” Again.
5. Tap to confirm the delete.

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