How can I delete my Instagram account permanently on Android? – [Answer] 2022


Delete Instagram account permanently on Android follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to the Delete Your Account page from a mobile browser or computer.
  2. If you’re not logged into Instagram on the web, you’ll be asked to log in first.
  3. Select an option from the dropdown menu next to Why are you deleting your account and re-enter your password.
  4. Click or tap Permanently delete my account.

How to delete instagram account Permanently Mobile Phone? Easy Video!

How to Delete Instagram Account Permanently

Write an article about how Instagram, the widely popular social media network, is now on Android. It has taken quite some time for this to happen but with the release of this new update, you’ll be able to enjoy all of the features that Instagram provides on your mobile device. You can also read tips and tricks to help you take better photos with the app. Let’s explore what you need to know about Instagram on Android!

Delete your Instagram account permanently on an Android phone Here’s how:

1. Log out from your account. Tap on “Settings” at the top right-hand side of the page and select Log Out from this Account

2. Delete the app by going into Settings > Apps > Instagram and selecting Uninstall.

3. Remember that removing a single version does not delete it entirely – if you have both an iPhone and Android, removing Instagram from just one device will not cancel your account

4. After deleting the original app, go back into Settings, scroll down until you find Manage Accounts where you will need to select Google or whichever account you use for Instagram.

5. Tap on your Instagram profile and then Remove Account.

6. All of your data associated with that account will be lost, so if there is anything important in the app, make sure to save it now!

How do I permanently delete my Instagram account step by step?

Log in to your account on the Instagram website. Go to Instagram’s ‘Delete Your Account’ page. Select from the drop-down menu your reason for leaving. Enter your password and click ‘Permanently delete my account’. Your Instagram account is now deleted.

How do I delete my Instagram account on mobile?

Open your mobile browser. Go to the Delete Your Account page on Instagram. If you’re not logged in, follow the instructions to log in to your account. nWhen prompted why you’re canceling your account, choose an option. Again, enter your password and confirm it. Press Permanently Delete My Account to confirm.

How do I permanently delete my Instagram account on mobile 2020?

Click Delete [username] from a mobile browser or a computer. If you aren’t already signed into Instagram on the web, you’ll be prompted to do so. Select Why are you deleting your account from the drop-down menu next to Remove Account.

How do I delete my Instagram account on Android 2020?

Open the Instagram app on your phone and tap the profile symbol. Select Settings from the three-bar menu option. You’ll be sent to a new Instagram search page. In the search bar, type Delete and choose “How do I remove my Instagram account” from the choices.

How do I delete my Instagram account 2021?

Start the Instagram app on your phone. nTap the Profile button. nSelect Your Disabled Account and then Edit from the drop-down menu to bring it back online. nScroll down to Help Center and Basic and select it. nDelete Your Account should be among the options; scroll through them until you find it.

How do I delete Instagram from my Samsung?

Tap and hold an app icon anywhere on the Home screen or app pages to display a pop-up menu. Then choose “Uninstall” from the options.

How do I erase my Instagram account?

Open the Instagram website on your computer. Log into your account if prompted. Go to the account deletion page. Select the reason for closing your account from the drop-down menu. Re-enter your password. Then choose or click the delete button.

How do I delete an account on Google?

Under “Your data & privacy settings,” select “Data & Privacy” on your Google Account. Delete your Google Account by going to the Data and Privacy section of your account and scrolling down until you reach “your data and privacy options.” Follow the procedures for canceling your account.

How do I permanently delete my Instagram account without email and password?

To delete your Gmail account, go to the “Delete Your Account” option on the Google search page. Select one of the options from the drop-down menu next to the query “Why are you deleting your account?” You must choose one. A “Permanently Delete My Account” tab will appear once you select a reason. After that, simply click Remove My Account at the bottom of the screen and wait for it to complete its task.

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